phenylmercuric salicylate

Coalition status

BCI Prohibited BCI Prohibited

The Producer must not use any pesticide listed in:

i. Annex A and B of the Stockholm Convention; or

ii. Annexes of the Montreal…

Fairtrade Red Fairtrade Red
This list contains 207 pesticides. The list is valid as of January 2018. Prohibited pesticides that must not be used on Fairtrade products under any…
FSC Prohibited FSC Prohibited
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit, mission –driven, multi-stakeholder organization founded in 1994 to promote…
Rainforest prohibited Pesticides Rainforest prohibited PesticidesRSB Ban RSB Ban
None of the chemicals recorded in the WHO’s 1a and 1b lists shall be used. The use of chemicals recorded in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention, in…
SAN HHP: phase-out SAN HHP: phase-out
The SAN List of Highly Hazardous Pesticides consists of 230 pesticides: SAN HHP Pesticides are classified as Highly Hazardous Pesticides according to…
UEBT Prohibited UEBT Prohibited
The use of Prohibited Agrochemicals is prohibited for certified, prioritised and verified ingredients, because they are considered Highly Hazardous…


Type: Pesticide
Use: Fungicide, Seed treatment
Example applications:
Example pests controlled:
Mode of action:
Source: PPDB


Cas-RN: 28086-13-7

GHS safety labels

phenylmercuric salicylate

Search on compound, trade name or registration number (CAS, Beilstein, Chebi)

Coalition status

BCI Prohibited BCI Prohibited

The Producer must not use any pesticide listed in:

i. Annex A and B of the Stockholm Convention; or

ii. Annexes of the Montreal…

Fairtrade Red Fairtrade Red
This list contains 207 pesticides. The list is valid as of January 2018. Prohibited pesticides that must not be used on Fairtrade products under any…
FSC Prohibited FSC Prohibited
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit, mission –driven, multi-stakeholder organization founded in 1994 to promote…
Rainforest prohibited Pesticides Rainforest prohibited PesticidesRSB Ban RSB Ban
None of the chemicals recorded in the WHO’s 1a and 1b lists shall be used. The use of chemicals recorded in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention, in…
SAN HHP: phase-out SAN HHP: phase-out
The SAN List of Highly Hazardous Pesticides consists of 230 pesticides: SAN HHP Pesticides are classified as Highly Hazardous Pesticides according to…
UEBT Prohibited UEBT Prohibited
The use of Prohibited Agrochemicals is prohibited for certified, prioritised and verified ingredients, because they are considered Highly Hazardous…


Type: Pesticide
Use: Fungicide, Seed treatment
Example applications:
Example pests controlled:
Mode of action:
Source: PPDB


Cas-RN: 28086-13-7

GHS safety labels

Toxicity filters