
Coalition status

GCP Phase out 2026 GCP-Phase-Out 2026
Use of pesticides in the Phase-out List are reduced through use of Integrated Pest Management and phased out by 2030, if feasible. This includes…


Use: Herbicide
Example applications: Turf;Ornamental lawns;Woody ornamentals;Landscaped areas;Corn;Fallow ground;Sugarcane
Example pests controlled: Sedges, Broad-leaved weeds
Mode of action: Systemic, selective, acts by inhibiting biosynthesis of essential amino acids valine and isoleucine restricting plant growth. Inhibits plant amino acid synthesis - acetohydroxyacid synthase AHAS
Source: PPDB



Cas-RN: 100784-20-1
CiPac: 785.201
EC: -
PubChem: 91763
US EPA: 128721

GHS safety labels

  • H360

    May damage fertility or the unborn child (state specific effect if known)(state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard)

    Class: Toxic to Reproduction
  • GHS09: Environmental hazard

    Very toxic to aquatic life

    Class: Aquatic
    Subclass: Acute
  • GHS09: Environmental hazard

    Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

    Class: Aquatic
    Subclass: Chronic


Search on compound, trade name or registration number (CAS, Beilstein, Chebi)

Coalition status

GCP Phase out 2026 GCP-Phase-Out 2026
Use of pesticides in the Phase-out List are reduced through use of Integrated Pest Management and phased out by 2030, if feasible. This includes…


Use: Herbicide
Example applications: Turf;Ornamental lawns;Woody ornamentals;Landscaped areas;Corn;Fallow ground;Sugarcane
Example pests controlled: Sedges, Broad-leaved weeds
Mode of action: Systemic, selective, acts by inhibiting biosynthesis of essential amino acids valine and isoleucine restricting plant growth. Inhibits plant amino acid synthesis - acetohydroxyacid synthase AHAS
Source: PPDB



Cas-RN: 100784-20-1
CiPac: 785.201
EC: -
PubChem: 91763
US EPA: 128721

GHS safety labels

  • H360

    May damage fertility or the unborn child (state specific effect if known)(state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard)

    Class: Toxic to Reproduction
  • GHS09: Environmental hazard

    Very toxic to aquatic life

    Class: Aquatic
    Subclass: Acute
  • GHS09: Environmental hazard

    Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

    Class: Aquatic
    Subclass: Chronic

Toxicity filters